I use different browsers for varying reasons. By default, the Brave browser shows full page ads on the home screen. Even though they pretty much universally don’o’t interest me, I don’t begrudge Brave the ads since they help pay for the company’s ongoing operating costs. And, according to Brave, they don’t trade in my personal data so I see little reason to turn them off.
Plus, some of the ads are downright entertaining. For example, a few months ago, this was the background image from an ad for Karate.com.

I have no idea what this is supposed to be about, but in my mind, the smirking bald guy on the left is clearly thinking “Daniel-san, you’ve watched ‘The Karate Kid’ waaaay too many times.”
And then a few moments later, the guy in the white gi is curled up on the floor, having just had his butt kicked.